
Genome Assembly Concepts

Setup for Today

You will access a remote computer (a virtual machine or VM) using the command line. The VM has been configured with all the tools and data required for today’s hands-on practical.

Accessing Your Virtual Machine

If you are using a Mac or Linux computer, the “Termial” is already available for you to use. If you are using a Windows PC, please download either Putty ([]) or Mobaxterm ([]) to use as your terminal.

We will circulate the login credentials for you to use for the hands-on. This will include the IP address of the machine you are going to access as well as a username and password combination.


Attempting to do genome assembly with a real agriculturally relevant species isn’t possible with the time we have. Instead, we are going to look at using some very topical data, SARS-CoV-2 data, the virus causing COVID-19.

The advantage of this genome is that it’s small (29,903 bp) and has a lot of different types of data available for it, including Illumina, Oxford Nanopore and PacBio. We are using the following public data sets:

Description Accession/URL Coverage
RefSeq NC_045512.2  
Illumina PE SRR11140748 6,353
Oxford Nanopore SRR11140749 10,170
PacBio CCS SRR13144524 110,696

The amount of coverage provided by these data sets is waaay too much for our needs. Therefore, we have provided subsamples of each for working on during this hands-on session.

Software Environment

We have installed all the software you will need for this hands-on in a conda software environment called agrigenomics. If you’re interested to know about what tools and versions are installed, take a peek at the /data/envs/agrigenomics.yml file once you log into the VM.

To load the environment and make those tools available to you on the command line, you’ll need to “activate” the conda environment:

conda activate agrigenomics

Setting up Your Working Directory

Once you’ve logged into the VM with the credentials we’ve provided, you now need to setup a working directory with a copy of all the data you’re going to work with.

# Setup project working directory
mkdir --parents ~/SARS-CoV-2/

# Get a copy of the data
cp --recursive /data/SARS-CoV-2/* ~/SARS-CoV-2/

# See what you have in you working directory
tree ~/SARS-CoV-2/


Illumina Reads

3’ Quality Drop-Off

During the bridge-amplification stage, millions of clusters are created on the flowcell. Each cluster comprises of 1,000-2,000 identical copies of the same template. During the process of sequencing, the polymerases attached each of the thousands of copies in a cluster “advance” one base at a time. At the start (5’ end) all the polymerases are in perfect sync; generating a bright, clean, consistant light signal for detecting which base was incorporated. However, as time progresses, some polymerases fall behind while some race infront. The polymerases gradually get further and further out of phase with each other. This leads to dimmer and less clear signals for detection, and thus lower quality base-calls.

The phasing problem seen with Illumina sequencing has improved dramatically over the years, resulting in read lengths increasing from 35 bp to 250 bp.

Raw Read Quality Control

FastQC is a common tool used for assessing the quality of Illumina data.

cd ~/SARS-CoV-2/

fastqc ~/SARS-CoV-2/Illumina/SRR11140748_?_*x.fastq.gz


Raw Read Quality and Adapter Trimming

We’ll use fastp to quality and adapter trim our reads:

# Make the output directories ahead of time
mkdir --parents ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina

time fastp \
  --thread 2 \
  -i ~/SARS-CoV-2/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_50x.fastq.gz -I ~/SARS-CoV-2/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_50x.fastq.gz \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_50x.fastq.gz --unpaired1 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_50x.orphans.fastq.gz \
  -O ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_50x.fastq.gz --unpaired2 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_50x.orphans.fastq.gz \
  --cut_right --cut_window_size 4 --cut_mean_quality 20 \
  --length_required 75 \
  --json ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_50x.json \
  --html ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_50x.html

Post-Trimming FastQC

To assess how the trimming has performed, run FastQC across the paired reads output of fastp.

fastqc --threads 2 \


Read Alignment

There are many tools for performing Illumina PE read alignment (aka mapping) against a genome. Today we will use a tool called BWA. Conceptually, a read aligner aims to find the most likely place in the genome from which the read was generated. Think of this as looking up a persons name in a phonebook.


Would it be easier to search for a name if:

Tab index

Indexing the Reference Genome

Having the information stored in a certain way and having an index makes looking up names in the phonebook much faster. In the context of aligning reads to a reference genome, having an “index” of the reference genome speeds up the process of finding and aligning reads to the genome. The index of a genome is often tool-specific so we often need to create a different index for each tool we plan to use.

Like sorting and indexing a phonebook, this process is time consuming with larger genomes. However, since it’s only done once, and it provides significant speed-ups in read alignment, it is time well spent!

Index the reference genome:

# Index the reference genome for use with BWA
bwa index ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz

Align the Illumina Reads

Align the Illumina PE reads to the reference genome:

# Create an output directory ahead of time
mkdir --parents ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/

# Align reads
time bwa mem \
  -t 2 \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_50x.fastq.gz \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_50x.fastq.gz \
| samtools sort \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/Illumina_PE_50x.bam

BAM File Visualisation

We are going to load the SARS-CoV-2 genome into a genome browser called IGV and then load the BAM file. First, we need to create an index for the reference genome and an index file of the BAM file. This ensures IGV can quickly load the reference sequence and corresponding read alignments for any coordinates we choose to navigate to.

# IGV-web requires an uncompressed reference sequence 
# and corresponding index file
pigz -dcp2 \
  < ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz \
  > ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta

# Generate index of the FASTA-formatted genome file
samtools faidx ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta

# Index the BAM file
samtools index ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/Illumina_PE_50x.bam

Download the following files to your local computer:

Visit, IGV-web and load the genome from a Local File ... by selecting both the NC_045512.2.fasta and NC_045512.2.fasta.fai files. Once the reference genome is loaded, load a “Track” from a Local File ... by selecting both the Illumina_PE_50x.bam and Illumina_PE_50x.bam.bai files.

Oxford Nanopore Reads

Long reads have the potential for spanning “repeat” regions, untangling the mess that short reads make in these areas, provide evidence of structural variation etc. Lets align the Nanopore reads to the reference genome.

# Index the reference genome for minimap2
minimap2 \
  -d ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz.mmi \

# Align the Nanopore reads
time minimap2 \
  -ax map-ont \
  -t 2 \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz.mmi \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/Nanopore/SRR11140749_1_50x.fastq.gz \
| samtools sort \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/Nanopore_50x.bam

# Index the BAM file
samtools index ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/Nanopore_50x.bam

Load the nanopore read alignment file into your IGV-web.


PacBio CCS Reads

PacBio CCS reads are longer than Illumina reads but typically shorter than Nanopore reads. However, CCS reads have base accuracies far better than Nanopore and are approaching that of Illumina data.

# We already indexed the genome before, no need to do it again
#minimap2 \
#  -d ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz.mmi \
#  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz

# Align the PacBio CCS reads
time minimap2 \
  -ax asm20 \
  -t 2 \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz.mmi \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/PacBio/SRR13144524_1_50x.fastq.gz \
| samtools sort \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/PacBio_CCS_50x.bam

# Index the BAM file
samtools index ~/SARS-CoV-2/alignments/PacBio_CCS_50x.bam

De Novo Genome Assembly

Wed 14th April 2021 marks the 18th year since the human genome was declared complete! Sequencing technologies, computing power and genome assembly software have come an awful long way since then! Up until about 5 years ago, Illumina sequencing was at the heart of most genome assembly projects, mainly because of its low cost and high throughput. However, it has its problems. Mainly due to the short reads it generates. Repeats cannot be resolved/assembled if read lengths are shorter than the repeat length. As a result Illumina-based assemblies tend to be highly fragmented, limiting their usefulness.

However, long-read technologies such as Oxford Nanopore and PacBio provide sequence reads orders of magnitude longer than Illumina. Therefore, they are capable of spanning and resolving repeats in the genome. However, they are more expensive. The long reads are the result of observing a single read/polymerase at work, and as such have a high base-level error rate (15-20%). PacBio’s template has a circular topology so they polymerase can continue sequencing around and around the template, making multiple passes of the same insert and generating highly accurate CCS reads.

The utility of long reads has seen them used for genome assembly projects. However, their high cost usually means they are paired with Illumina data in order to keep costs down.

Hybrid Genome Assembly

We will use the tool SPAdes ( to perform a de novo assembly from: 1) Illumina plus Nanopore reads and 2) Illumina plus PabCio CCS reads.

First, we’ll be using some lower coverage Illumina data (10x) since higher coverage will be capable of assembling the genome into a single contig. Using what you have already learned, run the 10x coverage of Illumina reads through fastp prior to trying the below spades assemblies.

# Create the output directory ahead of time
mkdir --parents ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/

# Illumina-only assembly
time \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina \
  -1 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_10x.fastq.gz \
  -2 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_10x.fastq.gz \
| tee ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina.log

# Illumina plus Nanopore assembly
time \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina_nanopore \
  -1 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_10x.fastq.gz \
  -2 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_10x.fastq.gz \
  --nanopore ~/SARS-CoV-2/Nanopore/SRR11140749_1_10x.fastq.gz \
| tee ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina_nanopore.log

# Illumina plus PacBio CCS assembly
time \
  --threads 2 \
  -o ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina_pacbio_ccs \
  -1 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_1_10x.fastq.gz \
  -2 ~/SARS-CoV-2/qc_reads/Illumina/SRR11140748_2_10x.fastq.gz \
  -s ~/SARS-CoV-2/PacBio/SRR13144524_1_10x.fastq.gz \
| tee ~/SARS-CoV-2/de_novo_assembly/illumina_pacbio_ccs.log

Comparing Assemblies to a Reference Genome

Compare the assembly to the SARS-CoV-2 RefSeq assembly using MUMmer’s nucmer tool:

# Create output directory ahead of time
mkdir --parents ~/SARS-CoV-2/comparisons

# Decompress the reference genome for MUMmer
pigz -dcp2 \
  < ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta.gz \
  > ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta

# Illumina-only assembly
nucmer \
  --maxmatch \
  --minmatch 100 \
  --mincluster 500 \
  --prefix ~/SARS-CoV-2/comparisons/illumina \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta \

# Illumina plus Nanopore assembly
nucmer \
  --maxmatch \
  --minmatch 100 \
  --mincluster 500 \
  --prefix ~/SARS-CoV-2/comparisons/illumina_nanopore \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta \

# Illumina plus PacBio CCS assembly
nucmer \
  --maxmatch \
  --minmatch 100 \
  --mincluster 500 \
  --prefix ~/SARS-CoV-2/comparisons/illumina_pacbio_ccs \
  ~/SARS-CoV-2/reference/NC_045512.2.fasta \

Visualisation of Delta Files

The online tool Assemblytics can be used to generate useful plots of the information contained within a .delta file.