
This report summarises differential gene analysis as performed by the nf-core/differentialabundance pipeline.



A summary of sample metadata is below:


Comparisons were made between sample groups defined using metadata columns, as described in the following table of contrasts:



Input was a matrix of 63241 genes for 16 samples, reduced to 35292 genes after filtering for low abundance.

Exploratory analysis

Abundance value distributions

The following plots show the abundance value distributions of input matrices. A log2 transformation is applied where not already performed.

Box plots

Whiskers in the above boxplots show 1.5 times the inter-quartile range.

Density plots

Sample relationships

Principal components plots

Principal components analysis was conducted based on the 500 most variable genes. Each component was annotated with its percent contribution to variance.

Variance stabilised (cellline)
Variance stabilised (condition)
Variance stabilised (treatment)
Normalised (cellline)
Normalised (condition)
Normalised (treatment)
Raw (cellline)
Raw (condition)
Raw (treatment)

Principal components/ metadata associations

For the variance stabilised matrix, an ANOVA test was used to determine assocations between continuous principal components and categorical covariates (including the variable of interest).

The resulting p values are illustrated below.

The variable ‘cellline’ shows an association with PC1 (80.3%) (p = 0.00). The variable ‘condition’ shows an association with PC1 (80.3%) (p = 0.00). The variable ‘treatment’ shows an association with PC3 (1.8%) (p = 0.01).

Clustering dendrograms

A hierarchical clustering of genes was undertaken based on the 500 most variable genes. Distances between genes were estimated based on spearman correlation, which were then used to produce a clustering via the ward.D2 method with hclust() in R.

Variance stabilised (cellline)

Variance stabilised (condition)

Variance stabilised (treatment)

Normalised (cellline)

Normalised (condition)

Normalised (treatment)

Raw (cellline)

Raw (condition)

Raw (treatment)

Outlier detection

Outlier detection based on median absolute deviation was undertaken, the outlier scoring is plotted below.


1 possible outliers were detected in groups defined by cellline: Atreated3


1 possible outliers were detected in groups defined by condition: Atreated3


1 possible outliers were detected in groups defined by treatment: Atreated3

Differential analysis

The DESeq2 R package was used for differential analysis. p-values were adjusted with the BH method to reduce the number of false positives. Genes were considered differential if, for the respective contrast, the adjusted p-value was equal to or lower than 0.1 and the absolute log2 fold change was equal to or higher than 0.

Differential gene counts



Differential gene details

B versus A in cellline

Adjusted p values
Unadjusted p values

Atreated versus Acontrol in condition

Adjusted p values
Unadjusted p values

Btreated versus Bcontrol in condition

Adjusted p values
Unadjusted p values

Gene set analysis


B versus A in cellline
Atreated versus Acontrol in condition
Btreated versus Bcontrol in condition



Filtering was carried out by selecting genes with an abundance of at least 1 in at least 1 samples.

Exploratory analysis

Differential analysis

Gene set analysis



All parameters

Software versions

Note: For a more detailed accounting of the software and commands used (including containers), consult the execution report produced as part of the ‘pipeline info’ for this workflow.

nf-core/differentialabundance: Citations


Ewels PA, Peltzer A, Fillinger S, Patel H, Alneberg J, Wilm A, Garcia MU, Di Tommaso P, Nahnsen S. The nf-core framework for community-curated bioinformatics pipelines. Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Mar;38(3):276-278. doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0439-x. PubMed PMID: 32055031.


Di Tommaso P, Chatzou M, Floden EW, Barja PP, Palumbo E, Notredame C. Nextflow enables reproducible computational workflows. Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Apr 11;35(4):316-319. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3820. PubMed PMID: 28398311.

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R packages

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  • ggplot2

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Software packaging/containerisation tools

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  • Docker

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  • Singularity

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